Monday, October 09, 2006

In which I have an epiphany!

Well, shoot. I'm crap at photography, but at least I'm usually able to take a few photos when I go on a knitting jaunt. I was out of town with friends this past weekend, knitting my little heart out. Unfortunately, my camera batteries were dead, so no pics of knitting by a lake.

As to the epiphany, here goes: I bought some heavy sport-weight (maybe DK, I don't know) yarn, and decided to use it for thicker socks to wear with my Tevas in the fall and winter. What joy! What instant gratification! What a blast to be able to knit an entire sock in about 6 hours!!! Here's a photo that I took once I got home and changed the batteries. I've already gotten to the gusset decreases on sock #2 and should have the pair complete by tomorrow. Notice the lovely polish on my toes? The result of my first ever pedicure. My friend Laura, a pedicure afficionado, set up the appointment, and it sure was fun. I love the massaging chair! Seems a shame to cover my toes with socks. Maybe I'll make a pair of open toe socks to show them off!


Blogger Donyale said...

Nothing like the quick knit sock to make the world sing.....nice nails - we ARE linked you know - guess where i am going tomorrow afternoon - off to have a Pedicure.

7:47 PM  

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